U.S. District Judge Martin L. C. Feldman

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal judge upheld Louisiana's
ban on same-sex marriages on Wednesday, as well as the
state's refusal to recognize gay marriages legally performed
in other states, ending an impressive streak of legal victories
for gay marriage advocates.
U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman's ruling broke a string of 20-plus court wins for
supporters of same-sex marriage since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part
of the Clinton-era federal Defense of Marriage Act last year. Feldman said gay marriage
supporters failed to prove that the ban violates equal protection or due process provisions
of the Constitution. He also rejected an argument that the ban violated the Constitution
by effectively forcing legally married gay couples to state that they are single on Louisiana
income tax returns.
Furthermore, states have the right to define the institution of marriage, Feldman wrote.
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