For the Deseret News
While anti-gender activists continue to push for the redefinition of marriage in the courts, they have already won a key victory: the redefinition of equality. The gay community has aggressively pursued and claimed equality for themselves. But why? In order to significantly advance their cause they needed to stake a claim on a universally appealing idea, apply that idea like a bumper sticker to their cause, and then let the appeal of the hijacked idea produce instant converts. “Equality” fits this formula perfectly, and it has worked like a charm.
In case you have missed it, here are three recent examples of what the new “equality” looks like.
Under the new equality, if you are working to publicize a major event in Utah about the importance of family and marriage and you apply for donated billboard space (like my organization did) you’re out of luck. We were told our advertising was potentially too “controversial” and therefore did not qualify for nonprofit donation status. The text for the billboard read: “Stand for the Family Conference. September 18 & Tickets online.” This apparently controversial text disqualified the ad from consideration.