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Same-sex marriage: Why should Utahns even care?

Guest columnist
On September 18 at 7 p.m. supporters of man-woman marriage will gather at the Utah State Capitol for a public rally where they will listen to family experts from all over the country about preserving the definition of marriage. The purpose of the rally is to thank Attorney General Sean Reyes and Governor Gary Herbert for defending Utah’s definition of marriage and taking Utah’s case to the Supreme Court. Because Utah’s case is the furthest along in the legal process, Utah will be leading 31 other states who are desperately trying to maintain their definitions of marriage. All eyes are on Utah’s case to see if the Supreme Court will leave the question of marriage to the states.
With all of the money and time being spent on this issue, it makes sense to ask, “Why should Utahns even care about same-sex marriage?” Many still think that the answer to redefining marriage is that we should just “live and let live.” If you’re still carrying the “live and let live” banner, here are some people you should talk to:
Brendan Eich — one of the founders of the Mozilla Firefox Corporation was fired from his position as CEO because he donated $1,000 to preserving the definition of marriage in California. Don Mendell — a school counselor in Maine with a 36-year career who essentially lost his position and had to defend his license before a board because he said that he believed kids should have a mom and a dad. Dakota Ary — a grade school student who was suspended because he said he was uncomfortable with an explicit homosexual photograph posted in his classroom. And finally, David and Tanya Parker — parents of a kindergartner in Massachusetts who was taught about homosexuality in his kindergarten class. They were not given the choice to opt their son out of the instruction. These individuals can tell you what “live and let live” may look like for your family.
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